
Digitized Indices at Vostochnaia Literatura (srednevekovye istoricheskie istochniki vostoka i zapada)

Vostochnaia Literatura (srednevekovye istoricheskie istochniki vostoka i zapada) = Oriental Literature (medieval historical sources of the East and West). Bibliograficheskie Ukazateli Starting from the main Vostochnaia Literatura website, researchers can explore the digitized content by selecting "Ukazateli"(left navigation bar, under "katalogi"). Using Djvu, "a digital document format," the content managers have posted the following indices (Note: this page does not contain full-text articles) : Ukazatel' izdanii Arkheograficheskoi komissii (1836-1918 gg); Vestnik Evropy (Ukazatel' za 1802-1830 gg); Vostochnyi sbornik, izdavaemyi bibliotekoi im. Saltykova-Shchedrina (vyp. 1-6); Drevniaia Rossiikaia bibliofika (Parts: 1-20); Zapiski Odesskogo obshchestva istorii i drevnostei (Tom I-XXX); Sbornik Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva za 1846-1916 gg; Sbornik Imperatorskogo Russkogo Istoricheskogo obshchestva za 1867-1916 gg; Spisok izdanii Imperatorskogo Moskovskogo arkheologicheskogo obshchestva 1865-1913 gg; Istorik-marksist za 1922-1941 gg; Istoricheskii arkhiv za 1919-2001 gg; Istoricheskie zapiski (No. 1-40; No. 1-110); Krasnyi arkhiv za 1922-1941 gg; Izdania Obshchestva Istorii i Drevnostei pri Moskovskom Universitete; Russkaia beseda za 1856-1860 gg; Russkaia starina za 1870-1884 gg; Russkii arkhiv (1863-1892 and 1863-1908 gg); Russkii vestnik za 1856-1864 gg; Russkii istoricheskii zhurnal za 1917-1922 gg; Russkoe proshloe (1991-1998); Slavianskii arkhiv (Slavianskoe istochnikovedenie) za 1958-1965 gg; Srednie veka (No. 1-50); Frantsuzskii ezhegodnik (1958-1988 gg); Khristianskoe chtenie (1821-1870 gg); Chteniia v Obshchestve Istorii i Drevnostei Rossiiskikh (1882-1887 and 188-1894 gg). In order to view these digitized indices, users will need to download the Djvu Browser Plug-in (Note: DjVu Browser Plug-ins are fee, see Downloads). Without the Djvu format reader, researchers will be unable to download digitized materials. An excellent tool for information professionals and researchers to verify and complete their citations. Please contact the Slavic Reference Service if you require further assistance.


Bibliographic guides by the National Library of Russia

On the National Library of Russia website a place well-worth revisiting from time to time is the section Bibliograficheskie ukazateli i spiski
To arrive at the page start at the main page of the library, choose “Resursy” and then select “Bibliograficheskie ukazateli” . The page shows a list of printed guides authored by the bibliographers of the National Library. These are on the subjects of market economics (1986-), Places of Worship in St. Petersburg (1717-1917), and Literature on Petersburg (1989-).
Of perhaps greater interest are the online guides that follow. First we find a series of bibliographic guides to several broad disciplines: architecture, biology, pedagogy, religion, physical education & sport, and philosophy. The entries are not annotated but the contents are very painstakingly subdivided by subject.
What follows is a series of in-depth bibliographies on a variety of much more narrow subjects, ranging from the history of Russia’s literary salons, to the influence of cell phones on health. These guides are also not annotated, but again are subdivided by subject in inconsiderable detail. Although the themes vary widely, and it is hard to predict what one may find, it is worthwhile to browse the list. For the lucky researcher who is working on, say , theaters of St. Petersburg, stumbling on a bibliography of over 270 items can be a virtual goldmine.
It appears that the list of guides is growing and is well worth revisiting to check for new contributions.