
Baza Biogramow Biblioteki Jagellonskiej

Since the spring of this year there is a new biographical database available on the Jagiellonian Library homepage. It is titled _Baza Biogramów Biblioteki Jagellońskiej_. The URL is: http://www.bj.uj.edu.pl/biogramy/?c=html&a=index It promises to be a valuable tool for searching for biographical information on lesser-known persons of Polish origin. The database is constructed on the base of materials that had been gathered for many years by the Jagiellonian librarians. At this point the database includes over 32,000 records and is being continually updated.. Each person’s record may contain the following information, depending on its availability --first and last name --dates and places of birth and death --field of activity or profession --titles (scientific or otherwise) --bibliographic description of published biographies or biobibliographies devoted to the person The database includes information on Poles living in the 20th and 21st centuries, mostly those born after 1870. It is linked with _Baza Ikonografii Teatralnej_, which allows it to display theater-themed photographs and their descriptions. This is only one example of several interesting biographical databases posted on the continually expanded page of the Jagiellonian. The ever-growing list now includes several regionally-oriented databases, as well as listings of persons by profession, and numerous databases covering different periods of Polish history, from the Napoleonic wars to the times of the post WWII communist regime. The list of databases is available under the URL: http://www.bj.uj.edu.pl/var/bibl_biogr_bibl1_pl.php

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