
Czech publications on history post 1990

The database BIBLIO is a working database of the Bibliographical department of the Library of the Historical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It contains monographs and articles in periodicals and collections of historical orientation published after the year 1990, with the bohemian character (Czech author, Czech topic, published in the Czech Republic). The database serves as a groundwork for the publishing of the yearbook Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands.
The archaeological records and records with Slovak topic are included only selectively, because they are processed in the Library of Archaeological Institute in Prague and in the Bibliographical Department of Historical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava.
The meaning of the abbreviations of the excerpted periodicals and collections you can find at the bottom of pages with the found records. Complete list is here.
Number of records in database: 110 979 Date of the last update: 23. 4. 2007