
MAK w WWW Polish National Bibliography Online Searchable by author, title, subject, series title, and keyword. The online bibliography includes records from 1976-
LIBIS Lithuanian National Library Catalog While not truly the bibliography it is an excellent source for current publications and does contain brief records for very recent materials that are on order. There is also an article search available from this interface.
Latvian National Bibliography - Aleph main menu National Bibliography of Latvia Online The National Bibliography online includes the monograph and periodical sections and has a very comprehensive search structure. Collections will often have their contents listed
Magyar Nemzeti Bibliogr�fia - K�nyvek Bibliogr�fi�ja Hungarian National Bibliography This site includes the last 4-5 issues of the Hungarian National Bibliography. There is a general subject guide that reflects the organizaiton of the printed bibliography.
Bulgarian National Library Bulgarian National Library with a variety of sources available including the following: Машинен каталог на български и чуждестранни книги Своден каталог на чуждестранните периодични издания в България (1984 - ) Своден каталог на чуждестранните книги (1995 - Статии от българските списания, вестници и сборници
NKC Online katalog a bibliograficka baze Narodni knihovny CR Czech National Bibliography The bibliography online includes records from the cd version of the bibliography. Like the cd, the web version is divided into databases for articles, books, "Foreign Bohemica", dissertations, periodicals, authority records and "Special Materials".
NSK - National Bibliography Croatian National Bibliography online. The series on mongraphs, periodicals and articles are all available at this site. There is retrospective depth to at least 1999 for all materials.